

The School of Physical Education, 表演和运动领导力是美国运动机能学协会的成员.

在国家和国际层面倡导运动机能学, the American Kinesiology Association supports educational opportunities in the fields of exercise science and sport studies, 健康教育和体育教育, 体育管理和娱乐管理.

Recent News



Springfield College hosted the 通过运动和运动心理学实现社会公正 (SJSEP) symposium from March 23rd-25th. SJSEP brought together over 50 researchers and practitioners in sport and exercise psychology (and other related disciplines) from across the country whose work focuses on social justice and praxis, marginalized communities, 缺乏学术关注的参与者, 或者在运动心理学的实证主义主流之外. Dr. 斯蒂芬妮·科克利心理健康运动高级副主任, wellness, 和天普大学的表演提供了主题演讲. Laurel Davis-Delano, Professor Sociology at Springfield College provided an invited lecture. Multiple faculty, current doctoral students, and alums of the Springfield College Sport and Exercise Psychology program presented their scholarship during the three-day event.



Springfield College hosted the 2023 state clinic on March 25th on campus for over 200 students, coaches, trainers, and therapists. With the support of our undergraduate applied exercise science and graduate strength and conditioning programs, the high-performance strength and conditioning clinic featured 12 speakers including 3 Springfield College alums (Michael Boyle, Dr. Michelle Boland, and Aysia Shellmire) along with seven graduate strength and conditioning students who presented on the state level for the first time.

Nefertiti A. Walker

Nefertiti A. Walker, PhD gives the 2022 Karpovich Lecture Titled: Building Inclusive Sport Culture through the Study of Sport Exclusion

Dr. Walker shared how her research on organizational exclusion in sport has provided the foundation for re-designing organizations to be inclusive. Her methods, 哪些本质上是交叉的,并坚持批判的理论方法, 引导她成为一个公平的人, 交叉方法包容性的组织设计在体育和超越.

The Wellness Institute

健康研究所Oura Ring研究

The Wellness Institute (TWI) at Springfield College is a new initiative formed by the college with the goal of promoting lifelong wellness throughout the college community, local surrounding community, and beyond. The goal of TWI is to provide a holistic approach to wellness through maximizing one’s inner motivation toward a more fulfilling and rewarding life while focusing on the four pillars of movement, mindset, nutrition, and restoration. This academic year, TWI将其重点放在促进十大赌博靠谱信誉网站校园的健康上, 特别是在员工健康领域. In the Fall of 2022, a new campus-wide research study was launched to promote and analyze employee health using wearable technology. Over 100 full-time employees on the Springfield College campus are currently wearing personalized Oura rings, 让他们了解自己的日常活动, sleep, and readiness. The Oura ring tracks 32 metrics ranging from heart rate variability and body temperature to amount of deep sleep accrued each night. 通过参与研究学习, each participant has received a customized sized ring and 24/7 access to the app with their real-time metrics. Through an additional platform, 研究团队还能够匿名跟踪所有参与者的指标. The goal of the research study is to analyze the overall health and wellness of the college campus. TWI将分析与年龄相关的指标, gender, 和位置参照不同的时间在学术日历. Understanding these constructs of the employee population will help inform future wellness initiatives and college-wide support for Springfield College employees. 在2023年底数据收集结束后, data will be analyzed, 将产生知情的健康倡议, 调查结果将分发给大学社区.

Charles J. 雷德蒙德杰出运动训练校友讲座

Athletic Training Host the Charles J. 雷德蒙德杰出运动训练校友讲座

The Charles J. 雷德蒙德杰出运动训练校友讲座 series highlights distinguished alumni who have promoted, enhanced, and advanced the profession of athletic training through their diligent work as athletic trainers, educators, and administrators. This year’s lecture coincides with the 50th anniversary of Title IX and recognizes Springfield College Athletic Training alumnae who have broken through the “glass ceiling” in athletic training.

The panelists responded to a series of questions crowdsourced from Springfield College students, staff, and faculty. 这次活动将由Sue Guyer主持, DPE, dean of the 体育教育,表演和运动领导学院.

Katie Delude ' 11,首席运动教练,东北大学,波士顿,马萨诸塞州.; Kristin Farrell ’06, 手工治疗主任/助理运动教练, 犹他爵士国家篮球协会特许经营权, Salt Lake City, Utah; LaToya Franklin ’07, Injury Prevention Specialist, Amazon-CLT4, Charlotte, North Carolina; Amanda Kelley ’10, Associate Head Athletic Trainer, The College of The Holy Cross, Worcester, Mass.,职员运动教练,美国女子冰球队,普莱西德湖,N.Y.

全球体育与当代中国:体育政策, 中华人民共和国的国际关系与新阶级认同


Oliver Rick, Assistant Professor of Sport Management and Recreation publication of his latest book 全球体育与当代中国:体育政策, 中华人民共和国的国际关系与新阶级认同, in collaboration with Dr. Longxi ‘Jack’ Li (G’22). 这本书是对十大赌博靠谱信誉网站交叉点的文化考察, politics and global perspectives in China; commiserate with the typical courses he teaches in the sport management major. 奥利弗已经成为体育系的社会科学专家, 通过传统的学术出版物和他的播客系列Somatics, 他和同事们在哪里探索体育的各种交叉点, social issues and culture.


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